TINKering for sustainability at school
Oct.2022 – Nov.2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Cooperation Partnership in school education | Project n. 2022-1-IS01-KA220-SCH-000087083

“Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is based on the fundamental interdependence of environment, economy, society and cultural diversity, which together form the key to a better and more just world in the 21st century.” UNESCO In this regard, the education system should play an active role in re-shaping sustainable development education by helping the latter to be more cognizant and inclusive regarding local cultural practices and knowledge systems. In particular, teachers and school staff are invited to reflect with their students on how to improve and consolidate the adoption of sustainable behaviours in class and at home in order become agents of change for sustainable lifestyles. Special consideration will be given to some main factors that contribute to global warming.
The project aims at leading teachers of primary and lower secondary schools to push pupils towards sustainable behaviours – both at school and at home – and at contributing to the reduction of global warming (e.g., waste reduction, carbon footprint reduction, water waste, clothes reuse and recycling, etc.) To this end, children will be both actively involved in creative experiences and stimulating – material and sensorial – activities to help them to deeply reflect on issues related to the environment and sustainability, such as reuse and recycling, happening during their everyday life and of which they are mostly unaware. This will also contribute to increase the recognition of benefits on the adoption and consolidation of sustainable habits beyond existing practices.
-to meet the needs of educators to support learners towards cultivating sustainable behaviors and values;
-to promote tinkering as a method in education in the field of sustainability;
-to train a group of educators in formal and informal settings;
-to use tinkering to engage learners in projects dealing with issues of sustainability
-to provide a better understanding on space careers; there is a great need in better informing young people on what it means to work for the space industry and the paths towards finding a job in one of them.
-to enable young people to deal with challenges, relationships, transitions, and social systems by helping them in acquiring essential skills such as self-management, personal responsibility, effective communication, curiosity and every day problem solving.
The results will be stemming from five Work Packages:
– WP1: Management
– WP2: Mapping tinkering and sustainability
– WP3: Tinkering toolkit
– WP4: Implementation and assessment of tinkering activities (field application)
– WP5: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
Haskoli Islands – School of Education – IS
CRES – Centro Ricerche e Studi Europei-future business – IT
Bartolomeo Associazione Culturale – IT
Stichting Nationaal Centrum Voorwetenschapsen Technologiecommunicatie – NL
MEDiES – Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development
Association – EL

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