Promoters & Founders

Finance & Banking - Association for Organisational Development and Human Resources - EFFEBI
Effebi Association is a non-profit Association which since its foundation in 1978 has been a reference point for people involved in the management and development of HR and organizational models mainly for the banking & financial sector.
Members of the Association are the leading Italian Banking groups and medium/small Banks.
At international level, EFFEBI was one out of five founder members of EBTN – European Banking and Financial Services Training Association keeping significant relationships with other Institutions, Associations, Universities, Colleges, Enterprises and Bodies active in the field of HR Management and Development.
In addition, it is Member of European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training – EfVET that is one of the leading European-wide professional associations which has been created by, and for, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers. EfVET aims to provide a transnational framework to support all co-operative actions aimed at enhancing and improving technical and vocational education and training. It gathers over 1.500 VET Providers from 27 European countries.
Moreover, Mr Mario Spatafora, General Secretary of Effebi Association, is the Co-Coordinator of the Thematic Team titled “Joint European Qualifications” aiming at developing European Qualifications for the VET sector connected to the triangle of industry-education-community/society.
At national level, Effebi is Member of FEDERMANAGEMENT – Italian Federation of Management’s Associations composed by 7 founding Associations (ADICO, ADACI, AIDP, AILOG, AICQ, AIAS, ATEMA) and, from January 2017, 6 new-comers Associate Members (APAFORM/ASFOR, AIF, APCO, EFFEBI, IRCRES-CNR, IMO). FEDERMANAGEMENT promotes the renewal of the managerial and leadership’s culture and cope with the globalization and the digital revolution. It also contributes to the collaboration and exchange of ideas and best practices among the Members; improve managerial culture, also beyond professional roles.
Very relevant is that EFFEBI, by January 2019, has also established the Centre for Research and European Studies for future business (CRESfb) to carry out studies and researches related to the HR development, both at national and European level. One of its aim is the promotion of the EU dimension in academic education through promoting and supporting cooperation among HEIs and business and research.
Furthermore, Effebi is supported by CRESfb in developing and managing European projects, from conception to realization (e.g. idea creation, writing of project proposals, project management, etc.) Both non-profit Associations participate at calls for proposals under different EU programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, Horizon2020, etc.)
If the FSS has traditionally been the main field of action for the Association, in the last years the Association was active in transferring its knowledge and experience in other sectors (e.g. education and training, social inclusion, Quality Assurance and ICT); showing the positive impact that European instruments of lifelong learning can have on training/educational paths.
In Italy EFFEBI is coordinating the Laboratory on Training Paradigms to identify and define analysis, trends and good practices in the field of professional training. The Association ensures the publication of the three-monthly journal «FB-BANCA inFORMAZIONE» to support the innovation and professionalism in the field and strengthen the cooperation among Members.

Multimedia Academic Global - MAG
MAG is a research Spin-off of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, world leader in distance education, focused on online professional training. In MAG, the University excellence approach to distance education is complemented by the experience of major companies, thus defining a highly effective training potential for the employment. MAG mission is developing skills for the labor market without limits of space and time; look for more advanced and effective models for the skills’ transfer; orient and train towards new job opportunities. MAG offers certified online courses, allowing learners to get certificates and professional qualifications; academic quality of contents and courses, thanks to university level selected trainers; highly qualifying recognition in the labor market of its competence-centered programs; accessibility without time constraints, since learners can study when they want 24/7. Current MAG training offer ranges from GDPR training to Industry 4.0 related courses. Beyond its training offer, MAG is involved in several international projects, aiming at innovating vocational training and continuous professional development at European Level.

Dimitra Education & Consulting - DIMITRA
DIMITRA Educational Organisation has provided, for more than 25 years, high quality Initial and Continuing Vocational Education and Training (VET) services to the entire country, training over 3.000 people per year.
The Organisation has participated in several transnational projects exchanging know how and transferring a high degree of expertise regarding both methodology development and production of practical solutions matching specific vocational and professional development needs.

Folkuniversitetet - FU
Folkuniversitetet (FU) is a National Adult Education Association which offers a wide range of VET and adult education training courses throughout Sweden and in several European countries.
FU-Uppsala has a long tradition of successfully introduction of new teaching methods into adult education, including the latest developments in ICT. FU-Uppsala offers both formal and non-formal education for public authorities, enterprises and individuals.
FU organizes specific training programs and/or training courses for various disadvantaged target groups such as unemployed, low-skilled, immigrants, people with physical and mental disabilities and youth drop-outs.
The organisation is focused on the development of interventions that addresses social issues for various disadvantaged target groups in order to promote social/labour market inclusion.

Asociacion Nacional de Centros con Certificados de Profesionalidad - ANCCP
ANCCP is the National Association of Spanish Vocational Training Centers accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Work and Social Affairs to provide vocational education and training within the 26 professional families that currently exist in Spain. Professional Certification officially accredits professional skills that enable the development of a work activity and assures employers, customers, students, and the public that the certificate holder is competent and professional in a specific activity.

Institut d’Estudis Financers - IEF
Institut d’Estudis Financers is a private foundation set up in 1990 by the most important financial institutions with the support of the government and the foundational objective of contributing to innovation, internationalisation and improvement in the financial sector through knowledge acquired by training professionals, dissemination and the promotion of financial skills among citizens.
Our main objective is to embark on or consolidate a professional career in banking and finance, keep abreast of ongoing new developments in the sector and establish links with projects in order to make financial knowledge available to all citizens.

Malta Union of Bank Employees - MUBE
MUBE is the only union in Malta which negotiates collective agreements in most major banks and has the advantage of specialising and of being concentrated exclusively on the financial services sector. The MUBE is absolutely independent and has NO connections with any other union or political affiliations. It is the union created by bankers for bankers.

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands - FHM
The University of Applied Sciences (FHM) was founded in 2000 by the SME (Small and medium sized enterprises) sector for the SME sector. It is a private state-approved University of Applied Sciences. Founded in 2000 by small and medium-sized enterprises, the FHM is nowadays one of the most successful private universities in Germany with a strong focus on the needs of German SMEs. The Organisation prepares application-oriented teaching and studies on professional technical and management activities at home and abroad. The successes of the graduates are available for the training concept of FHM: close to practice and compact in knowledge transfer. Students are introduced through sound scientific evidence and methods that enable them prominent tasks.
Ordinary Members

Faculty of Education and Psychology (PPK hence)
The Faculty of Education and Psychology (PPK hence) is one of the eight faculties of the 384-year old EEötvös Loránd University (ELTE hence), which is the oldest and largest university in Hungary and it is the most popular higher education institution among applicants each year. As the part of ELTE, PPK embraces disciplines of long tradition: Pedagogy, the old discipline of ELTE, and Psychology, which was first established here in our country, and undertakes the amalgamation of these two in the area of teacher training. The historically significant reorganistion of the Hungarian higher education – Bologna Process – brings the education of Community Culture (as a special field of Andragogy) close to our profile, which is organised by our Faculty as well, and the Physical Education also belongs to our organisational units.
The profile of the faculty is twofold. On the one hand, it teaches students attending pedagogy, psychology, human relationship, psychical education and recreation as their major. On the other hand, it also instructs students from all faculties of the University in teacher training or teachers’ further training (approximately 10 000 students altogether).
It covers the organisational advocacy of teacher training in co-operation with the departments and methodological sections of other faculties and with the field-work training sites of teacher training. In addition the Faculty provides PE courses and sports opportunities for the students of every faculty.
The Faculty also provides psychological life-conduct counselling to all students of the University.

The mission of P.PORTO is to create and further knowledge, science, technology and culture, and to provide students with technical, scientific, artistic and transverse skills that articulate knowledge and action, so as to become the agent of transformation at home and abroad, and through intervention contribute to the wise development of society. With about 20.000 students in its eight schools, the Porto Polytechnic (IPP) is excellence in higher education and a space of ideas and results. IPP is a dynamo of cultural change, in the city, in the region and in the country. IPP ranks fourth among Portuguese higher education institutions and is the fifth in number of students.
P.PORTO hosts 24 research centres and groups distributed across our eight schools, which participate in multiple national and international R&D projects, with significant recognition for their scientific outcomes and impact, both in companies and social organisations. These include autonomous R&D units recognized FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, as well as relevant research groups integrated in large Associate Laboratories and in other research units. In a context of increasingly multidisciplinary and cooperative research, the research centres and groups of P.PORTO act in several, inter-related, areas, such as Engineering, Business Sciences, Education, Arts, Technology and Management, Health, Hospitality and Tourism and Media Arts and Design.

Eurodimensions has built a collaborative network with experienced trainers and knowledgeable mentors from various backgrounds including European Universities, Chambers and Commerce, NGOs and Incubators and has worked steadily with the local authorities in Malta. Eurodimensions is directly focused on educational aspects related to the positive impact that European instruments of lifelong learning can have on training/educational paths. It is active in transferring its knowledge and experience in other sectors (e.g. education and training, social inclusion, Quality Assurance and ICT). Other areas of expertise are: entrepreneurship, SMEs, quality management and design of training contents. Our expertise has covered quality assurance in training, entrepreneurship, sustainable implementation of age management, intergenerational approaches as well as digital innovation Eurodimensions has provided consultancy services directly related to Erasmus Strategic and EACEA Knowledge Alliance Partnerships and has also been entrusted to oversee Project Evaluation and Quality Assessment. Eurodimensions, also joined the Pact for Skills, a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe launched by the European Commission.

CESMED – Centre for Mediterranean Studies
Cesmed is a cooperative society that operates on the territory of the Sicily region since 1988. Its main activities are the design and provision of training courses for the social and work integration of unemployed, unemployed, or disadvantaged subjects and the provision of employment services. Cesmed is also an employment agency authorized for the performance of General Employment Services activities. These services include first reception activities, orientation, training and extracurricular internships, skills balance, job placement and support for business creation. Cesmed managed UE projects, particularly Erasmus + involving migrants and refugees. Cesmed is located in Palermo, Sammartino street, 27.

Dideas is a social company dedicated to training and strategic consulting in the areas of business model definition, entrepreneurship, innovation, gender equality, prevention of LGTB-phobia, social responsibility, and sustainability. We have more than 15 years of experience, working for companies that operate services sector (tourism, transportation, customer service, training) as well as in productive sectors. We have also worked with local councils and entities such as the Tourism Development Center of the Valencian Community, developing entrepreneurship and innovation programs. We are a team of 7 workers specialized in the areas described above. We are an active research organization about entrepreneurship and innovation, with more than 10 publications. We operate at national level in Spain and at European level by participating in Erasmus + European projects in entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and youth.

Emphasys Centre
Emphasys Centre operates in the last 24 years as an Education, ICT Training, Research and Development Centre in Cyprus, offering its services to public and private organizations, as well as professionals and individuals from all ages and backgrounds (educators, adult and VET trainers, seniors, migrants, young people, youth workers, NEETs etc.). It is approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education.
Emphasys is organized in 4 inter-related departments:
- The Education Department which offers examinable ICT courses for entering HEIs and Career Counseling.
- The ICT Training Department that includes two fully equipped units: the EU Training Unit which offers a wide range of of Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility Courses to European professionals in a variety of topics (e.g. introducing emerging technologies in E&T, social entrepreneurship, cyber-bullying, soft skills) and the STEAM Unit which offers project-driven related courses to young people combining Coding, Robotics, VR Game Design, AI technologies, 3D Printing etc.
- The Research Department which is involved in the implementation, management, coordination and preparation of a wide range of research projects as part of the Erasmus+, AMIF, CERV etc. programmes and has a strong local and international network with key stakeholders.
- The Software Department with expertise in the development of e-learning tools, serious games, platforms, websites, applications and assessment portals etc. &

PAIZ Konsulting Sp. z o.o.
PAIZ Konsulting Sp. z o.o. is a private organization that has been providing training and development services for businesses of all sectors since 1997, focusing on solutions enhancing knowledge and effective change implementation on individual as well as organizational level. We operate on several levels: from the area of production, through sales and marketing processes, leadership development ending with the organizational processes change. Recent initiatives involve projects in eco-habits development as well as sustainability and Circular Economy.
PAIZ has developed significant experience in writing proposals and administering grants from European Structural Fund (for human resource development), European Social Fund (project on adult education on national level), LifeLong Learning and Erasmus +.
The commercial services include Extended Learning (High Performing Learning Journey concept based), made-to-measure workshops and trainings, consulting services and performance coaching as well as business simulations and educational games development.
PAIZ’s trainers are Master trainers for the international training company WILSON LEARNING, operating in 31 countries worldwide. PAIZ is also a partner and sole representative in Poland of the international training company Barnes and Conti.
They are able to effectively influence the business at all levels of the organization – from the board to the operational staff.
PAIZ is distinguished by eager but thought through approach to challenges and exceptional commitment of its team.

Militos Consulting S.A.
Militos Consulting S.A. (21 years of operation) is a dynamic and innovative 360° consultancy firm located in Athens, Greece, with a strong European profile, international experience and many distinctions in the provision of integrated and ground-breaking consultancy services in a wide spectrum of fields, including Skills Empowerment, Entrepreneurship Education, Vocational Education and Training (VET), Communication, Community Building and Awareness Measures, Event Management, Social Innovation, Culture, etc. With a track record of more than 60 EU-funded and national projects and activities, as leader or partner, Militos has sound experience in project management of large-scale and complex projects, as well as in depth understanding of European policies. Militos has expertise in the conceptualisation, development and operation of new and sustainable entrepreneurship schemes, train-the-trainer methodologies, interactive e-learning tools, online immersive games and mobile applications.
Militos holds extensive experience in mobilizing communities, building and activating networks, designing, managing and implementing demanding events and large-scale campaigns. Overall, within the last 10 years, Militos has organised more than 185 multidimensional events and dissemination actions with more than 65.000 participants, having received many distinctions for the quality of its services, the innovative content, the influence, efficiency and impact of its communication activities, including 2 European awards (DG AGRI), i.e. the Special Public CAP Award for the widest outreach in Europe (1st place) and the Award for Innovative Communication in the EU CAP (3rd place). Μilitos holds a multidisciplinary team of 10 people, a large network of external experts, and more than 350 synergies worldwide.

Eagle Intuition Training Center
The Training Center EAGLE INTUITION gives training in many different areas, like training for those who want to become trainers. The project Training Center EAGLE INTUITION starts with a sustained working basis, is a Portuguese certified training company.
The mission of this company is to build for a better future, young people and adults, transmitting knowledge, different content and targeted employability, giving the best skills and certifications to start a journey in the labor market or obtain a good performance in the progression of their professional careers. Introducing and making available an innovative methodology based on valuing learning and the achievement of goals and objectives outlined.
Are present in several ERASMUS+ Ka2 projects and is also provider of the courses EUROPEANS SHARING VIEWS – Making sense of the world through multimedia and ICT and Free Web Tools in Education: Another way to Teach and to Learn

Saygın Eğitimciler ve Girişimciler Derneği (SAYEG-DER) is a non- profit organisation has been built by volunteer educators and entrepreneurs. Main working areas of association are Education, Technology, Science, Culture, Art and Entrepreneurship. The association serves to enhance young people and adults’ lives through personal and professional development such as gaining them necessary social, entrepreneurial, digital and financial skills which are paramount to be integrated into the society and the labour market.
Since the organizational structure of SAYEG- DER is based on the philosophy of lifelong learning, its target groups are in a wide range. For this, the association develops national and international projects, events, seminars, educational activities in the line of its mission and vision to serve its target groups.
The association has formed a network from various organisations such as public bodies, national education directorates, universities, schools, companies, other non-governmental organisations in order to reach its target group and also meet their needs with the help of the volunteers from its network. SAYEG-DER has participated in transnational and national projects exchanging know how and transferring a high degree of expertise regarding both methodology development and production of practical solutions matching specific vocational and professional development needs.

MCAST - Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology
MCAST’s mission is to provide universally accessible vocational and professional education and training (VPET) with an international dimension, responsive to the needs of the individual and the economy. Established in 2001, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology is the country’s leading vocational education and training institution. Six Institutes in Malta and the Gozo Campus, MCAST offers over 190 full-time courses and over 300 part-time vocational courses ranging from certificates to PhD (MQF Level 1 to Level 8).
Moreover, MCAST’s relationship with industry stimulates the College’s success – its programmes are flexible, relevant, and responsive to the aspirations of the students and to the needs of industries, which are constantly evolving to meet the challenges of a changing global economy. MCAST caters for work-based learning through the Apprenticeship Programmes and provides various entrepreneurship opportunities for its students. Through MG2i (MCAST’s commercial arm) services it also provides training courses tailor-made to industry needs.
MCAST’s objectives for the next few years are outlined in its 2022-2027 strategic plan, which emphasises WBL for all students, better linkages between staff and industry, and involving the students in decision-making processes. One of MCAST’s Strategic Directions is to incentivise the development of applied research and sustainable innovation across the College. MCAST’s strategy is to create a solid platform for Research and Innovation, a commitment to drive applied research further at MCAST. MCAST aims to stimulate and develop applied research at College level leading to business development, transfer of knowledge and prototypes.

NART - National Association of Resource Teachers
The National Association of Resource Teachers in Bulgaria (NART) is a national NGO umbrella for professionals working for full and quality integration, inclusion and education of children with different abilities and needs in mainstream education. Its main goal is to promote continuous improvement of the quality of education and social services in support of integration and inclusion of all children in Bulgaria. It has offices in 17 regional cities in the country and over 1000 current members. The specialists who are members of NART are working with more than 15 000 children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) across the country.
Main objectives:
– To ensure that all resource teachers have skills and expertise needed to meet the educational, social and emotional needs of all children and young people in Bulgaria
– To advocate for the value and recognition of the resource teacher profession and for appropriate evidence-based education and therapy for all children, youth, and families.
– To promote the work and the importance of the regional centers to the general public and enhance collaboration with key stakeholders.
Main activities:
- Conduction of research and analyses in the field of special education – to nurture the practice and legal actions;
- Methodological support – elaboration of materials, guidance, programmes, resources and their dissemination;
- Enhancing the capacity – provision of trainings and supervisions for special and mainstream teachers, psychologists, social workers; organizing seminars, workshops, conferences to facilitate the access of our members and educational professionals to the latest developments in the field of special education;
- Interacting with competent state authorities: provision of statements; taking part in different working groups, councils, etc.;
- Maintaining relations with the media and conducting targeted activities for rising awareness about the goals and the work of the Association;
- Cooperates with similar organizations in the country and abroad.

Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution
Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (KK) is a multi-profile state higher education institution that trains specialists in business and public management, social sciences, law, art, education, engineering, humanities, health, informatics, technology and agriculture. The strategic aspirations of KK include interaction of scientific and educational activities, integration of research into the study process, introduction of innovations, concern for students’ needs and competence development. Responsibility, professionalism, openness, respect and sense of community are the underlying values considered through all activities of the university.
The study programmes are designed to ensure that students acquire solid theoretical knowledge and maximise the development of practical skills during their studies. The graduates’ qualifications are marked by a professional bachelor’s degree.
The KK is made up of 4 faculties:
● Faculty of Arts and Education
● Faculty of Business
● Faculty of Medicine
● Faculty of Technologies

National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption (NCSPC)
The National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption (NCSPC) is a not-for-profit organization, located in Timisoara, Romania founded in 2010 by sustainability companies and experts as a spin of the ‘Programme for Sustainable Development of Enterprises in Romania’, implemented with the support of United Nations Industrial Development Organization. NCSPC activates in close cooperation with regional and local stakeholders and is one of the very few organizations in Romania aiming to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production through the adoption of eco-innovative methods, practices, techniques, and new business models. The main objectives of the organization are to create awareness among businesses regarding the need for increasing resource efficiency and reducing the environmental impact, to build capacity, and provide technical support in topics such as resource efficiency, circular economy and green entrepreneurship.

Associazione Bartolomeo was founded in 2015 in order to promote cultural heritage among young children and kids via innovative methods and digital tools. It has been ever since active in educational projects, with contents spanning from history and geography, civic and digital education, sustainability and environment, heritage and art, promotion of reading. Bartolomeo uses digital technology as means for engaging its target, with an approach that encourages kids to look beyond the frame, ask themselves questions, and learn by playing. Technology is therefore used as a tool and a starting point to enhance creativity and develop transversal skills. Bartolomeo community of teachers is wide and its online portal for Italian schools has reached more than 2000 subscribers.

Institute of Financial Services - Malta (IFS Malta)
The Institute of Financial Services Malta (ifs Malta) is the premier provider of educational services for the banking and financial services profession in Malta.
Founded in 1961, ifs Malta has a heritage of over 60 years and remains at the forefront of promoting and fostering professionalism among financial services practitioners. The Institute is run by an elected Central Committee which is composed of highly qualified Executive and Senior Managers from the Central Bank of Malta, Malta Financial Services Authority and all the main commercial banks. The Committee is supported by a Head of School and a dedicated administrative team.
The Institute is licensed by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority and offers homegrown qualifications to fulfil regulatory needs in the market and an array of academic programmes in partnership with a number of internationally renowned professional educational bodies ranging from Certificate (EQF level 3) up to Masters level (EQF level 7).
The Institute also offers short technical and bespoke courses and encourages continuous professional development.
Ifs Malta is a member of the European Banking and Financial Services Training Association (EBTN) and Centre for Research and European Studies – Future Business (CRESfb).

Kauno Simono Daukanto Progimnazija (KSDP)
Kauno Simono Daukanto Progimnazija (KSDP) is one of the fastest growing and successful schools of general education in Kaunas City Municipality. Progymnasium hosts 921 students and has about 81 members of personnel, and implements the programs of pre-primary education, primary education and lower secondary education. Progymnasium bases its activities on the State Strategy for Education 2013- 2022 and the State Progress Strategy "Lithuania 2030". In accordance with the principles of sustainable leadership, our school community strives to create conditions that help to nurture a creative, open, and courageous person: a part of a smart society, a personality capable of creating smart economy, and seeking life-long learning. Due to the fact, that Progymnasium biases its strategic activities on the quality organization of the personality’s growth process, develops the change-oriented culture of organization and organizes educational process interestingly, striving to integrate problem-based education, it, by Order No.
V – 888 of the Minister of Education and Science of Lithuania, was recognized as one of the best schools.
Our school is a member of the STEAM School Network and implements the STEAM science enhancement strategy. We have also created and carried out a long-termed project of natural sciences. Within the frame of this project, we have carried out a number of activities, striving to raise our pupils’ interest and awareness. Furthermore, using various teaching methods, gamification and assigning creative group tasks, we give students a possibility to gain new educational material individually and at their own pace, assuring it will be understood by each student, and, thus, engaging students with learning difficulties and/or low motivation. Finally, our school took part in SELFIE – Digital Schools Awards, and now we are a mentor school: ready to help others and constantly looking for innovative ways of teaching and learning.
Progymnasium has established very close cooperation with Goethe Institute, and participates in the Initiative of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Schools – Partners of the Future" (PASCH), and is carrying out the project "CLILiG @LITAUEN" integrated education of the German language and biology.
The key persons involved in the project are not only professional in the field of teaching but also actively involved in various school, national and international events and projects. They are all members of “Educating Schools” net and active members of long termed school projects.

Since its founding in 2003, Adiper has played a crucial role in transforming and advancing the social and health care and quality of life of adults and the elderly people throughout Spain.
Adiper is an innovative organization focusing on the provision
of social and health services for adults and elderly people and on a strong implementation of quality and conciliation regulations based on the provision of social and health services throughout the national territory of Spain. In contributes to ensure quality of life having served more than 20,000 individuals in its professional trajectory.

ANPEDI - Austrian Network of Programmes for Education, Diversity and Innovation
ANPEDI is an organisation dedicated to supporting third-country citizens and youth groups, particularly in raising awareness of their challenges within society.
At the core of ANPEDI’s objectives lies the recognition that Education, Diversity, and Innovation are not isolated areas but rather interconnected pillars that form the foundation of a thriving and inclusive society. Our organisation is adept at handling international projects, especially those under programs like Erasmus+, thanks to our experienced staff with extensive academic backgrounds and expertise in managing EU-funded projects.
ANPEDI is composed of students and graduates from various fields, reflecting Austria’s diverse university landscape and international educational prestige.
This diverse team actively participates in the project process, contributing to our goals of quality and inclusivity on a global scale

VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The Artificial Intelligence Lab was founded in 1983. It was one of the first AI lab on the European mainland and currently counts about 90 researchers. Over the years, the AI Lab launched 5 spinoffs, delivered more than 70 doctorates, produced over 1748 publications and received more than 39000 citations. Since the academic year 2022-2023, the lab also offers the first bachelor in AI program in Flanders.
Within the AI lab, the applied research team is dedicated to solving organisations’ problems by building next-generation AI technologies. Our end-goal is not getting published but proving the value of our research in real-world pilots with third parties. Experience in 30+ projects over the last decade taught us that achieving real impact using AI requires a trinity of research, development & education.

Anna Micheli - Scuola Paritaria Cattolica Bilingue
It is a bilingual catholic school founded in Rome in 1962.It is managed by the non-profit Umanesimo Cristiano srl (social enterprise), from the pre-primary level (nursery school, pre-primary school) up to lower – secondary school, as follows: 0-3 years (nursery school), 3-6 years (pre-primary school), 6-10 years (primary school), 10-14 years (lower secondary school). The school education is nowadays addressed to 700 pupils at the four mentioned levels.
During the last decade Umanesimo Cristiano has introduced a high-quality project on developing strong competences in the students in the field of foreign languages, especially English, throughout the ordinary school activities.
In the national scenario, the students of our schools achieve great results in obtaining the international foreign language certifications (Cambridge certifications) at the end of the academic levels, e.g. level B2 (first certificate) at the third class of the lower-secondary school, a top result compared with the data collected at this stage of studies and based on the national curriculum (normally assessed at the A2 level).
In a much more enlarged scenario, we are now get involved in projects within the European framework for growing together and sharing good practices and experiences with our partners: Erasmus plus projects, (PNRR) Next Generation EU projects, training activities plans for teachers of all the levels developed year by year, coding and robotic labs addressed to secondary and primary schools, citizenship and inclusion projects implemented by each level of the school are the main relevant assets grown during the last five years. We are offering to our students and people who work with us more opportunities and quality experiences for their personal empowerment and for building together a better world. Together we can!

EGInA – European Grants International Academy
The International Academy was founded in 2012 in Foligno, in the green heart of Italy, as an agency accredited by the Umbria Region for vocational training and certification of competencies. EGInA represents today one of the main stakeholders in the field of local, national, and European initiatives design and implementation, relying on the cooperation of numerous experts in the fields of education, social innovation, cultural heritage and digital transformation.
Honorary Members

The Association for Teacher Education in Europe – ATEE aims to enhance the quality of Teacher Education in Europe through active dialogue and international exchange of research and practice in initial and in-service teacher education. The ATEE are constituted by about 200 individual members and 48 institutional members span 43 countries around the world. They work both within and outside higher education. The Association brings its members together in 15 different Research and Development Communities, and at its three annual conferences (Annual, Winter and Spring conferences). The R&D Communities are the heart of the association where teacher educators from all over Europe and beyond meet, exchange and co-operate.
The European Journal of Teacher Education – EJTE is the official journal of the Association, and its audience includes all those who have a professional concern with or interest in the education of teachers for all age groups.
The Journal provides an opportunity for the dissemination of educational research which investigates theory, policy and practice in teacher education at pre-service and in-service levels in Europe and beyond.
European Forum for Vocational Education and Training – EfVET
EfVET is one of the leading European-wide professional association which has been created in 1991 by, and for, providers of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in all European countries. Its mission is to champion and enrich technical and vocational education and training through transnational cooperation and building a pan-European network of institutions that could lead European VET policies.
Typology of Members
Members may join the Association as Ordinary, Individual and Honorary
Institutions and juridical persons, Research Centres, Universities, Schools, Companies, Associations and, in any case, all organizations having purposes congruent with those of CRES and who are willing to contribute and collaborate for the development of the membership activities.
Professionals, who for their specific professional profile, wish to participate and contribute to the main activities of the Association.
Experts willing to contribute, with their expertise and professionalism to achieve the purposes of the Association. The past Presidents of the Association are Honorary Members.