CRES Community
Welcome on the online “Community space” – freely accessible to all CRES members – created with the specific aim of concretely and practically moving forward professional collaborations among all Members.
Also, to facilitate the exchanging of communications, create professional synergies and consolidate cooperation in a more efficient and easy way.




About Us
CRES – Centre for Research and European Studies – Future Business is a European non-profit Association founded in January 2019 by ten Organisations from 8 different Countries (DE, ES, EL, IT, MT, PT, SE, RU) with valuable expertise for an innovative development perspective of “future business”.
CRES wants to become an umbrella Association that combines organizations with consolidated professional experience in different sectors in order to establish cooperation, also allowing them to explore and apply for European funding opportunities.
Actually, CRES has 31 Members from 18 different EU countries and the majority of them are professionally valid and reliable organizations (public and private) from across Europe who are joining forces to develop and implement Studies, Research and European projects in the field of Human Resources Development and Management, Education and Training, ICT, Social Inclusion and Quality Assurance in order to enhance and valorise the professional network and thus promoting active citizenship across Europe.
For each Member to increase its own visibility and to develop new organizational dynamics and to strengthen cooperation, CRES-fb aims to:
1. Encourage the exchange of experience, knowledge, and information;
2. Promote Quality Assurance within Vocational Education and Training;
3. Offer professional collaboration at national and international level;
4. Promote and disseminate EU project results and other initiatives through its members’ network;
5. Provide the opportunity to organize or either participate in different initiatives and events (e.g., national and/or international conferences, workshops, seminars, meetings).
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Via Riccardo Zandonai, 43
00135 Roma (RM)