NEARVET – 3rd Management Board Meeting – 16th and 17th of May 2024, Uppsala (Sweden)
May 24, 2024

NEARVET” – Third face-to-face Management Board Meeting

What’s news?!

On 16th and 17th of May 2024 the third Management Board Meeting (MBM) of the EU-funded project “NEARVET- Network for Applied Research in VET” took place in Uppsala (SE), hosted by Folkuniversitetet

The 12 NEARVET Partners, coming from 6 different countries, met to continue working on the development of the various tools and resources aimed at fostering synergies between VET practitioners, stakeholders, employers, and research institutes to further elaborate on the specific competences required to act effectively in the performance of applied research in VET to improve the response to market needs and promote innovation in vocational education and training (VET).

All the progresses made in regard to the development of learning tools and resources were presented: the Communities of Practice, the Applied Research Seminars and the Digital Hub, an open online digital environment (embedded in the project website) providing training content aimed at facilitating the transfer of knowledge and innovation to VET stakeholders.

The day and a half of work resulted in stimulating reflections and revealed efficient teamwork.

Partners will see again on 12-13 December 2024, in Larissa (EL)!

Many thanks to Folkuniversitetet for the warm welcome and for making the stay that enjoyable and to all the partners for their active contribution MetropolisNet EEIG, Rinova, CIOFS-FP ETS , DIMITRA Education & Consulting SA, Cámara de Comercio de Zaragoza, Assolombarda, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), STHEV , Cyprus Hotel Association, MMC Management Center Ltd (Mediterranean Management Center).

Stay tuned for more news and results coming up soon!

#Eramus+ #Forwardlookingproject #NEARVET #networking #vocationaleducation&training #research #appliedresearch #blueprint #innovation #innovationhub