iSurvive – 2nd Transnational Project Meeting – 14 June 2022
May 30, 2022

“iSurvive” – Second Transnational Project Meeting


On 14th of June the 2nd TPM meeting of the EU-funded project “iSurvive – Digital Roadmap for designing online interactive content” will take place.

iSurvive Project aims at developing the competencies of HE lecturers academics in order to be prepared to transform their lectures and in class activities into online ones that keep their students motivated and foster their own well-being as they won’t feel like teaching to a cold screen.

Almost a year after the project began, so many activities have been implemented by the Partners, including one of the main project deliverables: Guide of Key Pedagogical Principles for effective Online Teaching and Learning, a collection of advices and tools conceived for academics and lecturers in HE to make them able to transform their face to face classes to online ones. 

This meeting will be the first occasion in which the project Partners will meet in person to discuss about the state of the art of the project, go through and evaluate what has been done so far within IO1, IO2 and partly IO3, but also fefine the action plan for the following months. 

Host institution: UNINETTUNO, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 39, 00186 Rome, IT

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