InTeaM4IEd National Event in Rome! 🇮🇹
On Friday, October 25, 2024, the National Event of InTeaM4IEd-Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Hospitality Schools for Inclusive Education project took place in Rome, gathering 28 participants dedicated to helping teachers and tutors to face learning difficulties related to ASD students of initial VET in the hospitality sector and at supporting them in developing expendable skills within the education system and externally in the hospitality industry.
💡 Event Agenda Highlights:
Welcome & Introduction – Setting the stage and diving into our collaborative mission!
CRES-fb – Who We Are? – Understanding our community and future directions
The InTeam4IEd Project – Priorities, partnerships, goals, and key achievements
Q&A Session – Engaging discussions and knowledge exchange
🎉 All materials, including the comprehensive InTeaM4IEd Skills and Copetency Map, the InTeaM4IEd Skills and Competence Model, theF.H.E.M.T. – Flexible and Hybrid Educational Methodology and Tools and the InTeaM4IEd Chatbot App, are now available in English, Italian, and multiple partner languages, thanks to the collaborative effort of our project partners.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate progress and shared visions for a more inclusive future!

GIAFF4ID – Final Conference: “Promoting the Affectivity of Youth with Intellectual Disabilities”, Sofia (BG)

TINK@school – 4th and last Transnational Partners Meeting – 25-26 of September 2024, Reykjavik (Iceland)

NEARVET – Seminario di Ricerca Applicata “Innovazione e ricerca nella IeFP: Competenze per il Futuro “